If your current work leaves you feeling bored, frustrated or burned out, it may be time for a career change. No amount of money can make up for unfulfilling work. Yet, deciding to make a career change can be a daunting task. You want to do something different, but don’t know what else you could do or where to start.
Inspired Growth offers professional, objective career assessment and counselling services to help you find a career you truly love and transition into it successfully.
Determine Whether a Career Change is Right for You
I help you decide if you really need a career change, or merely a job change. If a career change is indicated, I help you ensure that you are personally, professionally and financially ready to go through with it.
Get to Know Yourself
I use the leading career assessments to help you pinpoint your career-related talents, skills, interests, aspirations and values. I then help you relate these aspects of your identity to careers that are likely to be a good fit for you. The more you know about yourself, the more likely you are to make an effective career choice.
Expand Your Career Options
The world of work has changed greatly over the last few decades, such that there are more options today than ever before. I help you consider the full range of options available to you, including career fields you may not have considered.
Identify Your Transferable Knowledge and Skills
In the course of your life, you have already gained some valuable knowledge, skills, and experience. I help you identify these strengths and build on them to develop your new career.
Create an Effective Action Plan
I help you set short-term and long-term career goals, and identify the specific steps you need to take to qualify for your new career. This includes pinpointing the education, training, and experience you need to update your resume and “test-drive” your new career path before quitting your job.
Ready to Start Your New Career?
Call now to schedule a free 15-minute phone consultation.
“The best time to plant a tree is 20 years ago. The second best time is now.”
~ Chinese Proverb